Risk Assessments
Avoiding risk should be in-bedded within your company’s culture. When you do anything there is always a risk associated with it. Not accounting for these dangers can end up being a costly mistake. Not only for your bank account but peoples health.
Fear not though! Most of these risks can be mitigated. The RP has the experience and training in identifying and the best actions to mitigate the danger. For instance, a sales risk assessment can help identify some less than obvious risks, such as: unusual sales patterns, supply chain transparency and communication lines.

Common risks that are overlooked
Theft during transportation
More often that not we see companies ignore the possible risks of theft. Simply implying it is an 'acceptable risk'.
In 2023 the MHRA helped to seize 15.5 million doses of illegally traded medicines. How much of that could have been prevented through risk management...
Poor qualification processes
As a Wholesaler, buying and selling is your bread and butter.
So it is paramount you have systems and processes in place to ensure you and your team stay safe and legal. These must be developed around mitigating risks, whilst no one tries to break the law, accidents do happen. Identifying how this can happen BEFORE it happens can be key.
Presenting your company with a wide range of products to look more appealing for potential customers. Sounds like common sense?
Wrong... There are a boat load of complex and unique rules around what, and how you can show off the medicines you have in stock.
External Risk Assessor
Working hard to drive your business forward everyday can often lead to you missing the bigger picture. Taking time to re-assess the risks posed to you means your not driving the business forward...
Suddenly you're stuck in a vicious circle.
Bringing in an external assessor means you don't take your foot off the gas, but you also get an experienced, knowledgeable RP that will shift through your business and not only identify risks, but provide solutions.